"God Swallower?" Tianyang nodded. "War sacrifices to Saman Papman, the co-owner of the three pillars, and swallows the god eater. This god was already taboo in the universe forever. No wonder he can build a’ grave’ to make its ancient will survive."
Su Lie nodded. "I just know that I once found his tomb in the underground restricted area …"
Tianyang’s pupil dilated slightly. "Are you sure?"
Su Lie looked up at the roof and smiled. "Thanks to Xingdu, all languages and characters have become interoperable and shared, so I can know."
"I didn’t come to tell you that the nightmare old man influenced me. I saw it. I have been to a mausoleum. I found a very simple but huge sarcophagus. The sarcophagus has some symbols. It is a kind of writing."
"But at that time, I didn’t know this kind of writing, so people learned who was buried in the sarcophagus. I was a resting place of an ancient will and didn’t dare to disturb it."
"But the nightmare came true. I read the coffin symbol in this star capital. It means …"
"God-eater … brake the tomb of Emperor Jia!"
"That is, those who are the tomb builders of different gods who swallow the gods with three pillars!"
It’s amazing that my father revealed the news. He had discovered the tomb of the forbidden god and met the sarcophagus of the god eater. He was separated from the grave owner by a coffin.
Now it seems that my father is quite lucky to see the forbidden god sarcophagus, and he can safely leave this luck as an enemy.
Tianyang’s flash of light said, "The nightmare old man can dig our hearts and fear will come true. Is it because the old man dug his own eyes and saw the sarcophagus of the God Swallower?"
"Was it scared to death alive?"
Su Lie nodded dignified. "It’s possible that when the sarcophagus appeared, I felt something coming out of the sarcophagus. Although I don’t know that the star is a nightmare old man, it can make the three pillars deify reality, but even if it materializes, a wisp of breath is enough to make the old man fall apart."
Tianyang chuckled, "Thanks to this, the old man died and the nightmare was lifted before we were out of danger."
Su lie
I agree, "I also think that if the nightmare old man is not scared to death, it will be me."
Tianyang looked at the two slates on the table. "I wonder if we can take these two slates away from Xingdu."
He also promised to disclose the information of the dusk slate to the Eastern Cardinal College, and if he mastered two dusk slates, it would be of greater value in Tianyang Church.
Of course, even if he wants to reveal that he owns the slate, he must be strong enough to use the slate as a bargaining chip at dusk.
Otherwise it will lead to disaster.
Su Lie patted the slate and said, "I don’t think it’s a big problem. This is another treasure of the universe. Being able to enter and exit dreams will definitely bring it back."
Tianyang put his arms around his hands and said softly, "I wonder which god will make the evening slate and what will it be?"
Su Lie ha ha a smile. "I can’t answer this question. We have entered the Star City one day. Take a rest and have a good rest before we have the energy to deal with that dream god."
"It’s just that there is no day and night here that makes me a little unaccustomed."
West mainland
Frontline base, the den of evil in the fortress of God of War
In the evening, an army transport vehicle from Ares Castle arrived at the base, passed through three inspection procedures and entered the base square safely.
The parking door of the vehicle opened, and soldiers came out of the car. They came to hand over and rotate with the base soldiers. They all worked in the base for a month, and then they got a week’s holiday next month, and so on.
The last car driver was Lin Ke, who looked up at the far-off hongxia reflecting the sky. In the sunlight, a dark outline was presented, like a monster dormant in the desert.
He sighed softly, "I’m back."
Lin Ke’s team was the first team to contact with the evil of flora control in the incident of flora infection before the leader of the nest patrol.
Almost all his players were infected by the flora, and later they turned into bacteria, and people became infected.
Lin Ke was very lucky. He survived the disaster and has been receiving psychological intervention at the Ares Castle since then. Until recently, his psychiatrist recognized that Lin Ke was mentally fine and could return to his post, which ended his long vacation.
"Captain Lin, you are back."
"How’s Lin Ke? Are you all right?"
Lin Ke met many familiar faces all the way, but he smiled and responded with no sadness in his heart. As far as he knew, his team finally died, and three people were left. Except for his healthy recovery, the other two were crazy, one was tortured by nightmares day and night, and finally chose to kill himself.
The whole team is now back at the base, and he is alone, which doesn’t make him sigh.
After the report, he came to the original dormitory and just arrived at the daily display, he received the order to lead the inspection tonight. Lin Ke did not refuse and readily agreed.
At the same time, the fortress of God of War has been renamed’ Jinxi Manor’. In the villa, Sunseeker Tong is pouting and watching the birds make kites for her. Now she hangs a big tree …
Chapter 1257 Taste
Seven-year-old girl looks like Sunseeker Tong. Her big eyes rolled and she looked around carefully. She saw that there was no one nearby. Her hair lit up slightly, and her tips escaped.
Immediately, Sunseeker Tong’s body was surrounded by light debris, and the scene around her was slightly distorted. She flew to the treetops and caught the kite and fell back to the ground.
When I was still landing, I was suddenly hugged tightly from behind, and then the birdsong sounded from behind. "Hum, look what I found. Didn’t you promise Tianyang not to use your ability casually?"
"What shall I do when he comes back?"
Xi Tong suddenly cried, "Aunt Bird, I didn’t mean to. I think there’s no one around here. I’ll pick it up. Don’t tell dad, okay?"
The bird bent down and put her hands on her hips with a straight face. "What did you call me? Give you a chance to reorganize your language. "
Xi Tong tried to call "Sister Bird" with a delicate lip sound.
The bird laughed. "That’s right. How many times have I told you to call me sister? I’m still young."
Xi Tong immediately asked, "Can you keep this secret for me?"
The bird laughed. "That depends on your performance."
She turned and walked to the villa. Xi Tong followed the wind and asked, "Sister Bird, how can I behave?"
"Well, just pick it up. You can call me sister."
"I promise to make this simple."
"Hehe, I’m wiping my eyes."
When two figures, one big and one small, entered the villa, the sunset finally jumped over the horizon, and the night slowly came, and in an instant, there were stars all over the sky.
Frontline base Rilinke looked at the stars overhead at night and slowly spit out one mouthful smoke. He looked at his watch and then put out half the cigarettes left and threw them into the trash can.
He walked out of the dormitory with a helmet and a gun
Soon Lin Ke came to a corridor when he heard a voice in the window.
"Do you know who our captain is?"
"Who is it?"
"forest branch"
"Lin Ke? I seem to have heard that he can’t remember at the moment. "
I heard the soldiers talking about themselves. Lin Ke stopped unconsciously and then listened to them continue to discuss.
"Give you an event that shows bacterial contamination."
As soon as the sound fell, I heard a bang in the window, as if someone slapped his thigh and then another stereo started.
"I remember that it was the first patrol team leader who contacted the infected gods!"

Su Lie paused and looked at the son. "There was a message just now about the so-called taboo god."
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在数字的世界里,每一个数字都蕴含着独特的意义。而在这众多数字中,26这个数字显得格外引人注目。它不仅仅是一个简单的数字,更是一个承载着历史、文化、艺术和生活的符号。 首先,从历史的角度来看,26这个数字与我国古代的《易经》有着密切的联系。《易经》是我国古代一部博大精深的哲学著作,它以阴阳变化为基础,阐述宇宙万物的生成、发展和变化。在《易经》中,每一卦由六个爻组成,而爻的排列组合共有64种,这64种组合恰好对应了64个数字,其中26便是其中之一。这表明,26这个数字在古代就已经具有了深厚的文化底蕴。 其次,从文化的角度来看,26这个数字在文学、艺术等领域也有着广泛的应用。例如,我国著名的古典小说《红楼梦》中,贾宝玉的生日就是26岁。这个数字在小说中多次出现,成为了一个特殊的象征。此外,在西方文学中,26这个数字也有着特殊的含义。英国作家乔治·奥威尔在其著作《1984》中,将主人公的编号定为26,寓意着对人性的压抑和束缚。 在艺术领域,26这个数字同样有着丰富的内涵。例如,著名的音乐家莫扎特曾创作了一部名为《26号钢琴协奏曲》的作品,这部作品在音乐史上具有极高的地位。此外,在绘画领域,26这个数字也成为了艺术家们创作的灵感来源。荷兰画家梵高的代表作《向日葵》共有26朵,这26朵向日葵象征着生命的顽强和美好。 此外,26这个数字在日常生活中也有着广泛的应用。在计算机科学中,26是字母表中的字母Z的序号,因此26常常被用来表示“结束”或“完成”。在数学中,26是一个质数,具有独特的性质。在体育领域,26代表着篮球场上的标准尺寸,即长26英尺、宽50英尺。 总之,26这个数字是一个充满魅力和内涵的数字。它既承载着我国古代文化的精髓,又与西方文化相互交融。在历史、文化、艺术和生活中,26这个数字都扮演着重要的角色。因此,我们应该关注这个数字,挖掘其背后的深层含义,让26这个数字成为我们生活中的一个美好符号。
在繁忙的都市生活中,南宁的Spa馆犹如一片宁静的绿洲,为都市人提供了一处释放压力、享受品质生活的空间。这里的Spa馆设施齐全、先进,让每一位来到这里的顾客都能享受到一场身心的洗礼。 走进南宁的Spa馆,首先映入眼帘的是宽敞明亮的大厅,温馨舒适的氛围让人瞬间放松。馆内设有多个功能区域,包括休息区、按摩区、水疗区、香薰区等,为顾客提供一站式服务。 休息区是Spa馆的核心区域,设有舒适的沙发、茶几、电视等设施,让顾客在享受服务前能充分放松身心。按摩区是Spa馆的亮点之一,这里汇集了多种按摩手法,如泰式按摩、中式按摩、瑞典式按摩等,由经验丰富的技师为顾客提供专业、贴心的服务。 水疗区设施先进,包括桑拿房、蒸汽房、冰疗房等,能够帮助顾客改善血液循环、增强免疫力。在桑拿房中,高温的环境能够使皮肤毛孔扩张,促进新陈代谢;蒸汽房则能缓解肌肉疲劳,舒缓身心;冰疗房则能迅速降低体温,缓解肌肉酸痛。 香薰区是Spa馆的又一特色,这里采用了多种天然香薰精油,如薰衣草、柠檬、薄荷等,能够帮助顾客舒缓神经、改善睡眠。技师会根据顾客的需求,调配出适合个人的香薰配方,让顾客在享受香薰的过程中,感受到身心的愉悦。 南宁的Spa馆还注重细节,为顾客提供免费淋浴、简食养生茶等服务。独立包厢的设计,让顾客在私密安静的环境中,尽情享受高品质的Spa服务。此外,Spa馆还定期举办各类主题活动,如品酒会、瑜伽课程等,让顾客在享受服务的同时,还能结识志同道合的朋友。 南宁的Spa馆不仅为顾客提供专业的养生保健服务,还注重营造高端奢华的品味。这里的技师都经过严格培训,具备丰富的养生经验,能够根据顾客的体质和需求,制定个性化的养生方案。在Spa馆,顾客可以享受到全方位的呵护,让身心得到充分的放松和恢复。 总之,南宁的Spa馆以其齐全先进的设施、专业贴心的服务,成为了都市人享受品质生活的首选之地。在这里,人们可以暂时抛开生活的压力,尽情享受这份宁静与美好。无论是在繁忙的工作之余,还是与亲朋好友共享休闲时光,南宁的Spa馆都是您不容错过的理想选择。